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A member registered Mar 23, 2018

Recent community posts

Whats with the blue screen at the end?

If you wish to spend 10$ than think about donating to DF dev's. I agree with Thexus, and second him. If you wish to purchase it go on, no harm will be done.

Random question which of the three map types (with small size type) are smallest? Im playing Mesopotamia small map its almost 1100 with 10 cities and over 600 people and settling another 3-4 cities, but unfortunately looks like my PC is not that good for long-run of the game. Also is there 64-bit version?

Oh so I need to declare war now? Okay. No they did not have full walls around settlement. Thanks for answer

Hi everyone, it seems that i cannot capture maskling settlements with my army. When im choosing Capture and i mouse click on the enemy - i assume - "town center" they do nothing... Help?

So how about playing a map that there are only few islands with no masklings? Impossible?

Well not anymore, just pick small map type and write this seed: 1123581321 

If i knew how to upload a image i would do that.

If you wish feel free to share your own interesting seeds